Is Shopify Affiliate Marketing?

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Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform, has gained tremendous popularity among entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish an online presence. Many people wonder whether Shopify also offers an affiliate marketing program. In this article, we will explore the concept of affiliate marketing and whether or not Shopify provides such an opportunity for individuals looking to earn through referrals.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals earn a commission by promoting products or services offered by others. Affiliates drive traffic to a merchant’s website through their unique affiliate links, and if a sale is made through their referral, they receive a portion of the revenue.

This method of marketing has gained immense popularity due to its win-win nature. Merchants benefit from increased brand exposure and sales, while affiliates earn passive income by promoting products they genuinely believe in.

Shopify’s Affiliate Program

Now, let’s address the burning question: Does Shopify offer an affiliate marketing program? Unfortunately, as of now, Shopify does not have a direct affiliate program that individuals can join to earn commissions by promoting their platform.

However, this does not mean that Shopify doesn’t offer any opportunities for individuals to earn through referrals. There are alternative ways to leverage the Shopify platform and earn as an affiliate.

Becoming a Shopify Partner

While Shopify doesn’t have a traditional affiliate program, they do offer a program called the Shopify Partner Program. This program is designed for individuals and agencies looking to earn income by helping merchants set up their online stores, designing themes, or developing apps for the Shopify App Store.

As a Shopify Partner, you can earn revenue by referring clients to Shopify and receiving a share of the monthly subscription fees paid by these clients. This can be a great opportunity for web developers, designers, and marketers who work closely with e-commerce businesses.

Earning with Shopify Apps

Another way to earn as an affiliate-like partner with Shopify is by developing and promoting apps on the Shopify App Store. Shopify allows developers to create apps that can enhance the functionality of Shopify stores.

By creating and marketing these apps, developers can earn revenue through the subscriptions or usage fees charged by their apps. This can be a lucrative avenue for developers who are skilled in creating apps that cater to the needs of Shopify merchants.

Affiliate Marketing Beyond Shopify

If you are specifically interested in affiliate marketing and want to promote products related to e-commerce, there are numerous affiliate programs available beyond Shopify. Many e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and individual brands offer affiliate programs that you can join.

By signing up for these programs, you can earn commissions by promoting products or services that align with your niche and target audience. Some popular e-commerce affiliate programs include Amazon Associates, eBay Partner Network, and Commission Junction.


While Shopify doesn’t offer a traditional affiliate marketing program, there are still opportunities to earn through referrals. By becoming a Shopify Partner or developing apps for the Shopify App Store, individuals can leverage the platform to earn income.

However, if your primary focus is affiliate marketing and you wish to promote a wide range of products beyond Shopify, exploring other affiliate programs may be a more suitable option. Remember to choose programs that align with your niche and target audience to maximize your earning potential.

Affiliate marketing can be a rewarding way to earn passive income, and with the right strategies and dedication, you can achieve success in this field.